Place born
Organisation / Person
1844-1940, physicist; inventor, French

Branly, Edouard

1844 - 1940

1845 - 1923, railway company, Scotland

Great North of Scotland Railway

1845 - 1923

1860-1903, railway company, Northern Ireland

Belfast & Northern Counties Railway

1805 - 1903

1845-1847, railway company, United Kingdom

Newcastle & Berwick Railway

1845 - 1847

1845-1860, railway company, United Kingdom

Belfast & Ballymena Railway

1845 - 1860

1845-1846, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Berkshire & Hampshire Extension Railway

1845 - 1846

1845-1879, railway company, United Kingdom

Kendal & Windermere Railway

1845 - 1879

1844-1846, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Blackburn & Preston Railway

1844 - 1810

1845-1845, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Blackburn, Burnley, Accrington & Colne Extension Railway

1845 - 1845

1845-1879, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Exeter & Crediton Railway

1845 - 1879

1845-1846, railway company, United Kingdom

Huddersfield & Sheffield Junction Railway

1845 - 1846

1878-1924, railway company, United Kingdom

Ballycastle Railway

1812 - 1924

1845-1879, railway company, United Kingdom

Bedford Railway Company

1845 - 1879

1845-1851, railway company, Yorkshire

Leeds & Thirsk Railway

1845 - 1851

1845-1856, railway company, United Kingdom

Aberdeen Railway

1845 - 1856

active 1844-1929, patentee of the Lowne's portable spirometer, British

Lowne, Robert Mann

1844 - 1929

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1844-1929, physician; surgeon; bacteriologist, Scottish; British

Ogston, Sir Alexander

1844 - 1929

1845-1922, physician, French

Laveran, Charles Louis Alphonse

1845 - 1922

1845-1902, carriage and wagon manufacturer, Saltley, Birmingham

Midland Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited

1845 - 1902

1845-1865, railway company, United Kingdom

Scottish Central Railway

1845 - 1865

1845-1925, chemist, British; English

Thorpe, Thomas Edward

1845 - 1925

1845-1923, physicist; discoverer of X-rays, German

Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad

1845 - 1923

1845-1917, marine engineer, England, British

Hayes, Edward

1845 - 1917

1844-1916, first baronet; pharmacologist; physician, Scottish

Brunton, Sir Thomas Lauder

1844 - 1916

1845-1846, railway and canal company, United Kingdom

Nottingham & Grantham Railway & Canal Company

1845 - 1846

1844-1933, railway works, Gateshead, England, United Kingdom

Gateshead Works

1844 - 1933

1844-1963, shipbuilders; marine engineers, Dumbarton, Scotand

Wm Denny and Brothers Limited

1844 - 1963

1845-1924, railway company, Ireland

Cork, Bandon & South Coast Railway

1845 - 1924

1844-1932 typefounding inventor and engineer, United States

Benton, Linn Boyd

1844 - 1932

1845-1899, gynaecological surgeon; British; Scottish

Tait, Robert Lawson

1845 - 1899

1845-1896, photographer, British

Barraud, Herbert Rose

1845 - 1896

Plummer, John James

1806 - 1907

Carus-Wilson, Charles Ashley

1812 - 1942

1844-1908, surgeon; paediatrician, French

Felizet, Georges Marie

1844 - 1908

Crompton, Rookes Evelyn Bell

1845 - 1940

Thorpe, Thomas Edward

1845 - 1925

Grubb, Howard

1844 - 1931

1844-1909, mineralogist, mining engineer, mineral dealer & collector, Paris, France

Bertrand, Émile

1844 - 1909

1816-1923, US Navy Officer, American

Sigsbee, Lt.-Cdr. Charles Dwight

1845 - 1923

1844-1891, active 1888, inventor of a type of air separator, British

Mumford, Thomas William Basset

1844 - 1891

1845-1867, manufacturer of gutta-percha products, London, England

Gutta Percha Company

1845 - 1867

1844-1910, cartoonist; illustrator, English; British

Sambourne, Edward Linley

1844 - 1910

1844-1929, mechanical engineer, German

Benz, Carl

1844 - 1929

1845-1914, artist; painter; watercolourist, British

Mitchell, William Frederick

1845 - 1914

1844-1919, organic chemist; professor, Dutch

Franchimont, Antoine Paul Nicolas

1844 - 1919

1845-1918, meteorologist; physician, German

Assmann, Richard

1845 - 1918

1844-1926, surgeon; physician, British

Morris, Sir Henry

1844 - 1926

1844-1900, duke of Edinburgh, duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, naval officer, British

Alfred, Duke of Saxe Coburg and Gotha

1844 - 1900

1844-1899, politician, Swiss

Droz, Numa

1844 - 1899